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Tuesday, April 04, 2006  


Sweet words of the day, courtesy of Google

For those of you not quite as rad (read: nerdy) as I am, here are 3 words of the day (courtesy of Google).

brummagem: cheap and showy; also, spurious.

martinet: a strict disciplinarian.

defenestrate: to throw out of a window.

I have never heard of any of these before. I particularly like "defenestrate." Who knew there was a transitive verb for what I did to my future when I decided to start my own company? I guess I am just a little too brummagem for my own good. What I need in my life is a martinet to keep me in line.

About me

  • I'm VP of Haterade
  • From Boise, Idaho, United States
  • Hi. I'm J. I have this blog to share my random thoughts and the random stuff I find with whoever wants to listen. If you don't like what I say or post on here, please tell me. I'd be haapy to mock, ridicule, and belittle you, your blog, any pictures you have, your poor grammar, your obviously awful taste in blogs, and anything else I can find on Google to make fun of. I will do all of these things (and more) because I am unable to handle any kind of criticism and am unable to deal with confrontation in healthy ways. Cheers.
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